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Red 2 (2013)

Red 2 Poster 2

Red 2 (2013)

After how awesome Red (2010) was, I thought for sure that Red 2 could never live up to its predecessor.

Red 2 Parker Willis Malkovich explosion

Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) is a retired CIA agent who cannot seem to stay retired from mayhem. In this sequel to Red (2010), Moses bands together with a group of friends who also happen to be misfit murderers, in order to try to track down a missing nuke.

The film was directed by Dean Parisot and the rest of the noteworthy cast includes John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, Helen Mirren, Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Byung-hun Lee, Neal McDonough, David Thewlis, Tim Pigott Smith, and Brian Cox.

Red 2 Malkovich Willis Parker

In Red (2010) Malkovich completely stole the show.  He was quirky and hilarious.  He was the reason why the movie was so funny and probably the biggest contributor to its success.  I assumed that I was in for a disappointment when I walked into Red 2.  How could they possibly top the original?  I think that I was not alone with this question because Red 2 did not do as well in theatres as it should have over the weekend.

Rarely does a sequel ever top the original and rarely is a sequel ever as good as the original.  Well folks, I am here to tell you that Red 2 is almost as good as the original, if not as good.  The acting was excellent, the action was thrilling, and the movie was hysterical.

Red 2 Malkovich

I’m not sure how they pulled it off, but John Malkovich was just as funny in Red 2 as he was in Red.  He might have even been funnier.

Zeta-Jones, Hopkins, and McDonough were all nice additions to the already spectacular cast.

Red 2 Willis Malkovich

The chemistry between Willis and Parker was priceless.  There is a lot more humor between the duo now that their characters are an established couple.

The film was fast-paced and everything flowed nicely.  It was all quick and to the point with never a dull moment.  It might just be the action/comedy of the year.

Red 2 Mirren Sniper

If you thought that Red was great, do yourself a favor and go out and see Red 2.  As sequels go, this one does not disappoint.

I rate this movie a 9 on a scale of 1-10.

Buy, rent, or run?  Buy.

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2 Guns (2013)

Trailer for Red 2 (2013)

Red 2 Poster 2

Red 2 (2013) (Click on the title for my full review.)

Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) is a retired CIA agent who cannot seem to stay retired from mayhem.  In this sequel to Red (2010), Moses bands together with a group of friends who also happen to be misfit murderers, in order to try to track down a missing nuke.

The film is directed by Dean Parisot and the rest of the notable cast includes John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Mary-Louise Parker, Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Neal McDonough, and Byung-hun Lee.

If Red 2 is half as good as Red, it will be worth seeing.  It should be full of laughs and plenty of good action.

The film is set to release on 7/19/13.

Hitchcock (2012)

Hitchcock poster

Hitchcock (2012)

In Hitchcock Anthony Hopkins steps into the shoes of the Master of Suspense and they fit him quite well.  In fact, he seemed so much like Alfred Hitchcock that at times I forgot it was actually Anthony Hopkins.  They even have the same monogrammed towels, although, that’s merely a coincidence.  Or is it?

Hitchcock comparison

Hitchcock is based off of Stephen Rebello’s non-fiction book Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho.  The film gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the relationship that Alfred Hitchcock had with his wife and the struggle he went through to create his most popular beloved masterpiece, Psycho (1960).


I am a huge Hitchcock fan, and I was not familiar with a lot of the events that occurred in this story.  The movie was a sort of tribute to the legendary genius film director.  It was enlightening and very entertaining.

Just as Hitchcock was able to get tons of popular actors to act in his films, Hitchcock the movie is overrun with a number of great actors: Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Danny Huston, Jessica Biel, Toni Collette, Michael Stuhlbarg, Michael Wincott, James D’Arcy, Richard Portnow, Kurtwood Smith, Ralph Macchio, Wallace Langham, Currie Graham, Spencer Garrett, and Frank Collison.  Sacha Gervasi directs the movie.

Helen Mirren is superb as Hitchcock’s wife Alma.  The chemistry between Mirren and Hopkins on screen is perfect.

Hitchcock Johansson Shower

The filming of Psycho was very tastefully recreated in Hitchcock.  Scarlett Johansson does an excellent job playing Janet Leigh.  Jessica Biel is a great Vera Miles.  I thought James D’Arcy was a pretty believable Anthony Perkins.

Hitchcock Johansson Car

Anthony Hopkins did for Hitchcock what Daniel Day-Lewis did for Lincoln (2012).  They didn’t just act the part.  They became the part.

If you are an Alfred Hitchcock fan like I am, than you will most certainly enjoy Hitchcock.

I rate this movie a 9 on a scale of 1-10.

Buy, rent, or run?  Buy.

Hitchcock Director chair

Note: You might be wondering why the name Ralph Macchio sounds so familiar.  He was the original Karate Kid (Daniel Larusso) in The Karate Kid (1984).  Can you believe he is already 51 years old?